Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Wife Goes Wild on Woods

Maybe I watch too much True TV but as soon as the story broke that Tiger Woods smashed his Cadi into a fire hydrant yet there was no intoxication--I knew something was up. And sure enough-drama was brewin' in Tiger's neck-of-the-Woods. And although I like to enlighten myself with politics and feministic rants I also love to get my celebrity gossip fill. So this was nothing but savory goodness to me (we all have our faults.) I was just speculating and speculating: Fellow Orlando resident/Ginourmous athelete getting beat up by his own little trophy--Oh how the mighty has fallen!

And didn't my Tweetles (that's what I call my Twitter family) have a field day! Trending topic became #TigerWoodsWife followed by "is really black" or "will bust the windows out your car" and my favorite "yelled to Rihanna 'This is how you do it!'" So what REALLY happened early that morning. The world may never know. But despite the fact that Tiger just wants this to all go away the rumors keep swirling. Seems like the wholesome Tiger Woods had a mistress (Rachel Uchitel is the alleged mistress but she denies it.) And Mrs. Woods found out. And she showed him who just how she felt about it. Reports say that the "lacerations" on Tiger's face weren't caused by the accident. Instead they were caused by Elin scratching her husbands face. Then she chased him out of the house with a golf club and beat up his Cadilliac, busting out the back window. Apparently Tiger Woods was knocked out for six whole minutes.

Now Tiger Woods has a squeaky clean image so the story that was developed initially was a publicist's golden moment. And it would have worked had Americans been idiots. Even my Swizz tweeted that it the story seemed a little off. No need to highlight the questions that came up in my mind because we now have a more plausible story--although its full of holes.  But one thing is for sure--Elin got gangsta. If Tiger was planning to cheat on Elin he should have chosen a tougher sport because she seems like a fiesty one. Now I don't condone domestic violence but I do believe in showing your man that you are your own woman. I wouldn't chose violence but if you read the history of how Tiger was rejected by Elin you'd see that she's a tough chick.

In conclusion--just between us girls--I doesn't matter how much money you have. And it definately doesn't matter how pretty you are. Men are men. They may love you dearly but need will venture off for a side dish. This story goes to show that you can't stop a man from cheating but you can show him how you really feel about it. I doubt Tiger will be seeing his mistress anytime soon. I also want my ladies to note that Elin is a successful, beautiful, educated woman in her own right. A devoted and supportive wife and mother. She is a great woman. This is just a bump in the road for Tiger and Elin...well it's a bump on Tiger's forhead anyway.

Stay beautiful inside and out!

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