Wednesday, December 2, 2009

More Wood on the Fire

Seems that squeaky clean Tiger Woods has a dirty little secret: He can't help swinging his golf club towards random holes. News has surfaced that not only was there Rachel (find out more in "Wife Goes Wild on Woods") but there are also Jaimee and Kalika. I was super shocked to find out that there was more than one other woman, though. I wonder if Elin (Tiger's wife) knew about all three.

Tiger has openly apologized and made important statements regarding his right to privacy. I sorta agree that problems within a family shouldn't have to require public confessions--but in this case it may have been in Tiger's best interest to do so. Jamiee Grubbs has come forward to the press with details--texts, voicemails, and emails--and seems hell bent on confessing for him. And while all the women come forward and reveal their relationships with Tiger we the people are left to wonder.

In conclusion--just between us girls--accountability is accountability. We all know that of whom much is given, much is required. I don't think it's fair for celebrities to play the privacy card when their fabricated images fall apart. I understand that people are human and mistakes will be made. But celebrities have to understand that as much as they flaunt their perfect lives, charitable acts, beautiful homes, and Clever-like families the public will feel betrayed if things don't add up. I'm just a regular woman and I'm not a part of the American culture on a regular basis. So if anyone has a question about my personal life I have every right to say that it's none of their business. But as a celebrity privacy is a luxury that money can't buy. A celebrity spends his or her career maintaining an image. Its a shame that they can force-feed perfection to the masses but when something pops off and they are brought down from their pedistal back into humanity--it's no body's business.

Stay beautiful inside and out!

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